Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Piece of our life shared .... Life after Landmark Forum till SELP

Hey SELP'ians,

Here is a platform for all the SELP participants to share our breakthroughs caused during of Journey of Transformation from Landmark Forum, the Advance Course and now SELP.

When ever  use to hear the breakthroughs we all caused.....  I was really touched , moved and Inspired.
As we know the time was short and much more to share during our sharing in SELP Classrooms & Workdays.

I thought of creating this blog along with the existing yahoo groups.

This blog shall be the platform for all the SELP participants to publish their breakthroughs.

Especially for me ..... victimized to finish my sharing in 30 secs during the class and also get a line for each time "I Got....." This blog shall be a vent to share all my words without any constraint of 30 seconds.

I request each participant to share their piece of breakthroughs in their life ......

I believe our sharing will definitely be  striking a chord of one life somewhere who will do the landmark forum and will be a different person in his life .... he shall be touching so many other lives.

There wont be any reminders from me to share your breakthroughs but all those people who shared / not shared during our class room ... please mail me your sharing by mail to

Lets start sharing our life ......  cause miracles .... share .....  touch many lives.....

